
The Department of Romance Studies of the University of Vienna is happy to announce that the workshop Experimental Approaches to Romance Morphology will be held in person on 27-28 October 2022. Over the last two decades, experimental methods have become increasingly prominent in the study of morphology. Even traditionally more introspective theoretical frameworks have begun to embrace psycholinguistic and neurocognitive methods to test their hypotheses. Similarly, theoretical concepts and descriptive findings from theoretical approaches to morphology have proven essential in accounting for experimental results.

This workshop aims to bring together researchers working on phenomena pertaining to Romance morphology based on using psycholinguistic or neurocogntive methods of investigation. To study the morphological processes involved in the production and comprehension of language as they occur, traditional methods such as tasks aimed at eliciting language production as well as grammaticality and acceptibility judgement tasks are being employed regularly. However, more recently, to gain insight into the temporal sequencing of morphological processing, more time-sensitive experimental measures have also proven necessary (e.g., ERP- or eye tracking studies).

The workshop will feature talks on traditional as well as on more recent experimental approaches by the following speakers:

  • Francesca Franzon (Universitat Pompeu Fabra)
  • Hélène Giraudo (Université de Toulouse)
  • Silvia Martínez-Ferreiro (Universidade da Coruña)
  • João Veríssimo (Universidade de Lisboa)
  • Chiara Zanini (Universität Zürich)



Call for Posters

Additionally, the workshop will feature a poster session. We invite poster submissions addressing morphological or (morpho)syntactic phenomena in the Romance languages. We are especially interested in research that deals with (but not limited to): (i) morphological processing (in typical and/or atypical populations), (ii) experimental approaches to language acquisition, and (iii) the application of linguistic concepts and theories to the study of language disorders.

Please upload your anonymous abstract (400-500 words, excluding references, tables and figures) on EasyChair ( Abstracts should be submitted in English. Abstracts will be subject to double-blind peer-review. The highest rated abstracts among those selected will be awarded a spot for oral presentation. Please state in your abstract if you do not wish to be considered for oral presentation.


Important Dates

  • Abstract submission for posters: 5th 12th of September 2022 EXTENDED!
  • Decision on poster acceptance: 20th of September 2022
  • The workshop will take place on 27-28 October, in person, hosted in Vienna, Austria.